One fine Saturday morning, our footsteps led us to Streetcar 520, a haven of late breakfast goodness, after the Mud Girl Run took an ironic twist and got canceled due to excess mud-induced weather.

Inside this establishment, the decor dances with eclecticism. Graffiti art adorns the walls in impressive displays, and a brilliantly arched chandelier gracefully presides over the bar, a testament to creative design. A humorous sign points the way to the restroom, reading “please don’t do coke in the bathroom.” The ambiguity of whether it’s a joke or an actual law lingers. A playful episode unfolded as Moses found amusement with the Splenda on the table, resulting in a comical face-plant right in front of the sign. A perfect moment of hilarity!
Our appetites led us to the brunch menu, where we indulged in a traditional breakfast. The ladies decided to take the bottomless mimosas route, an attempt to wash away the lingering disappointment of the Mud Run’s cancellation. Both choices were a resounding success, a palate-pleasing silver lining to the unforeseen situation.
Despite being short-staffed, they worked wonders. With a bartender and a server at the helm, they adeptly managed a staggering 15 tables full of people. It’s no less than a heroic feat, worthy of a standing ovation and a trophy.
Moses is quite the fan of Streetcar 520, but does offer a word of caution: stay away from the Splenda antics.
Visited August 12, 2023