Having grown up in this area, it’s surprising that we never ventured into the world of whale watching. Little did we know that Dana Point proudly boasts the title of “whale watching and dolphin capital of the World” – whether it’s self-proclaimed or universally acknowledged, we embarked on an unforgettable adventure.
Our family chose the final trip of the day aboard the Dana Pride. While anticipation built during an hour of waiting, a hint of disappointment began to creep in. But then, an extraordinary spectacle unfolded before our eyes.
We ventured into the midst of the largest pod of dolphins I had ever seen – well over a hundred playful creatures. Their presence was so enchanting that our excursion extended well beyond the scheduled time.
During this remarkable journey, we were also enlightened about the fact that dolphins are indeed whales. Our voyage introduced us to the more familiar bottlenose dolphins and, for the very first time, a pod of intriguing Risso dolphins. Although we had missed the migrating whales season by a hair, witnessing the sheer abundance of dolphins gathered in one place was nothing short of awe-inspiring.
For an exhilarating day of marine wonders, Moses wholeheartedly recommends Dana Wharf Whale Watching. Dive into the enchanting world of Dana Point’s aquatic treasures!